Early Childhood Education Programs

East Dover Pre-K Program
Vision Statement
 “Where children learn they are wonderful!”

Mission Statement
The Capital School District Pre-K Program, in partnership with students, families, and the community, is committed to providing a positive, nurturing, initial educational experience. We believe that all children are unique, and it is our mission to instill a love of learning and to encourage them to become independent, self-confident learners who work cooperatively with others.

Pre-K Curriculum

Below are the areas of growth and development we will be working on in our Pre-K classrooms at East Dover. We, as early childhood educators, want our families to know that all young children develop and learn at different rates. We will support your child’s learning and development within the following areas:
Social/Emotional:  regulation of emotions and behaviors, establishing and sustaining positive peer relationships and participating in group activities.
Physical:  gross motor, fine motor
Language:  listening and understanding, using language to express wants and needs and using appropriate conversational skills
Cognitive:  demonstrating positive approaches to learning, remembering and connecting experiences, using classification skills, and using symbols and images to represent something that is not present
Literacy:  phonological awareness, knowledge of print and its uses, comprehending and responding to books, and the demonstration of prewriting skills.
Mathematics:  number concepts, spatial relationships and shapes, patterns, comparing and measuring
Social Studies:  knowledge of self, knowledge of people and how they live, change related to familiar people and places and simple geographic knowledge
The Arts:  exploring visual arts, exploring musical concepts and exploring drama through actions and language

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